Digital Marketer

Why You Need To Advertise On Facebook. Chapter 2 

January 26, 20244 min read

Why You Need To Advertise On Facebook

Facebook Box

Here is a preview of the first section of our eBook on Facebook advertising.

1. From Grandma's Knitting Circle to Newsfeeds: The Unexpected Facebook Boom

2. Beyond Likes and Shares: The Power of Connecting with Real People

3. Mobile Mania: Why Reaching Customers on Their Phones is Essential

4. Attention Spans & Short Scrolling: Capturing Eyes in a Digital Age

5. No Phone Numbers Needed: The Magic of Facebook Messenger Leads

6. Goodbye Cold Calling, Hello Warm Engagement: Building Relationships Online

Chapter 2.

Beyond Likes and Shares: The Power of Connecting with Real People


In the previous chapter, we witnessed the heartwarming phenomenon of seniors migrating to Facebook, transforming it from a youthful playground to a bustling intergenerational hub. But this shift wasn't just about family photos and cat videos; it was about something far more profound: the power of real human connection in a world increasingly starved for it.

And guess what? This power of connection isn't just for families and friends. It's a potent tool waiting to be unleashed for businesses, a key that unlocks a world of possibilities in the realm of Facebook advertising.

Think about it. For years, we chased likes and shares, obsessed with engagement metrics that felt more like digital trophies than genuine interactions. But the tide has turned. People are craving authenticity, yearning for connections that go beyond fleeting clicks and superficial trends. They want to feel seen, heard, and understood.

And that's where Facebook, with its vast and diverse user base, steps in. It's no longer just a platform for sharing selfies; it's a marketplace of communities, where people gather around shared interests, passions, and even local businesses.

Imagine this: you own a quaint bakery in a small town. Your customers aren't just faceless numbers on a spreadsheet; they're your neighbors, friends, and fellow community members. On Facebook, you can create a page that reflects your bakery's personality, share mouthwatering photos of your freshly baked bread, and engage in conversations with your customers. You can post about upcoming events, offer exclusive deals, and even share recipes and baking tips.

Suddenly, your bakery isn't just a place to buy bread; it becomes a virtual hub for the community. People start following your page, not because you're bombarding them with ads, but because they genuinely connect with your story, your values, and your delicious offerings. They share your posts with their friends, recommend your bakery to others, and become loyal advocates for your brand.

This isn't just wishful thinking. It's the reality playing out on Facebook every day. Businesses across the globe are witnessing the power of authentic engagement. Restaurants are building loyal followings by sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses into their kitchens and hosting online cooking demonstrations. Local artists are connecting with potential buyers by showcasing their work on Facebook, sparking conversations and fostering a sense of community around their art. Even small businesses, once resigned to the shadows of online giants, are finding their voices and reaching their target audience through the power of genuine connection.

Remember the surge in online dating apps? It wasn't just about finding love in the digital age; it was about overcoming the limitations of physical distance and forging meaningful connections based on shared interests and values. Facebook offers the same opportunity for businesses. It allows you to bridge the gap between your brand and your customers, fostering a sense of familiarity and trust that transcends mere transactions.

But how do you tap into this power? Here are a few keys:

Be authentic: Don't be afraid to show the human side of your business. Share your story, your values, and the faces behind the brand.

Focus on value: Don't just bombard people with ads. Create content that informs, entertains, and inspires. Share tips, recipes, or behind-the-scenes glimpses into your work.

Engage in conversations: Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in discussions. Let your customers know you're listening and you care about their feedback.

Build a community: Foster a sense of belonging around your brand. Host online events, create groups, and encourage interaction among your followers.

Be consistent: Show up regularly and provide value to your audience. Building trust takes time and effort.

Remember, Facebook isn't just about getting likes and shares; it's about building genuine connections with real people. It's about finding your voice, sharing your story, and creating a space where your customers feel seen, heard, and appreciated.

So, ditch the outdated marketing tactics and embrace the power of authentic engagement. Turn your Facebook page into a hub for your community, a place where your customers can connect not just with your brand, but with each other. And watch the magic unfold as your business thrives on the foundation of real human connection in the digital age.

Because in the end, it's not about likes and shares; it's about the stories we tell, the connections we forge, and the impact we make on the lives of the people who matter most. And with Facebook as your platform, the possibilities are truly limitless.

Isaac Lewin is the Chief Marketing Officer for iConic System. He has a wealth of experience in in Sales, Marketing, Automation, and Web Development. He's also the proud owner of a cat named, "Theo."

Isaac Lewin

Isaac Lewin is the Chief Marketing Officer for iConic System. He has a wealth of experience in in Sales, Marketing, Automation, and Web Development. He's also the proud owner of a cat named, "Theo."

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