Digital Marketer

Why You Need To Advertise On Facebook. Chapter 3

February 04, 20244 min read

Why You Need To Advertise On Facebook

Facebook Box

Here is a preview of the first section of our eBook on Facebook advertising.

1. From Grandma's Knitting Circle to Newsfeeds: The Unexpected Facebook Boom

2. Beyond Likes and Shares: The Power of Connecting with Real People

3. Mobile Mania: Why Reaching Customers on Their Phones is Essential

4. Attention Spans & Short Scrolling: Capturing Eyes in a Digital Age

5. No Phone Numbers Needed: The Magic of Facebook Messenger Leads

6. Goodbye Cold Calling, Hello Warm Engagement: Building Relationships Online

Chapter 3.

Mobile Mania: Why Reaching Customers on Their Phones is Essential

cell phone

Remember the days of clunky desktops chained to desks, the sole gateway to the vast digital world? In that bygone era, websites were static landscapes, ads flashed on monitors, and the closest thing to mobile marketing was a catchy jingle on the radio. But those days are as distant as dial-up internet and payphones. Today, the digital landscape is mobile-first, dominated by the ubiquitous handheld device that's become our window to the world: the smartphone.

And for businesses, ignoring this mobile revolution is like setting up shop in the middle of the desert without a single signpost. Your potential customers are glued to their phones, scrolling through newsfeeds, browsing products, and making purchases with just a few taps. They're on the go, on the couch, on the bus – everywhere except chained to a desktop.

So, the question isn't whether you should reach customers on their phones; it's how, and why it's absolutely essential for your business survival.

The Allure of the Mobile Maze:

Statistics speak louder than words, and the numbers paint a clear picture of mobile dominance:

95% of American adults own smartphones. (That's practically everyone you want to reach!)

70% of all internet traffic originates from mobile devices.

57% of online shopping happens on mobile platforms.

These numbers aren't just trends; they're a tidal wave reshaping the way we interact with the world, including the way we shop and consume. We're no longer tethered to desktops; we're digital nomads, navigating the online world with our smartphones as our compass.

But it's not just about statistics. Mobile is more than just a device; it's a mindset. It's about instant gratification, impulsive decisions made in the palm of our hands. We research, compare, and buy – all within the confines of our screens. This fast-paced, impulsive nature of mobile users demands a different approach to marketing.

Optimizing for the Micro-Moment:

Mobile marketing isn't about shoving static ads down users' throats. It's about understanding the "micro-moment," the fleeting intention that arises during their mobile journey. Are they browsing recipes while cooking dinner? Show them a quick and easy dish they can whip up. Are they stuck in traffic? Offer them a local coffee shop deal for a caffeine pick-me-up.

The Mobile-First Manifesto:

To truly thrive in the mobile age, businesses need to embrace a "mobile-first" mentality. This means:

Mobile-optimized websites: Ditch the clunky desktop layouts and embrace responsive design websites that adapt seamlessly to any screen size. A frustrating mobile experience is a surefire way to drive customers away.

Mobile-centric Facebook Ads: Facebook is a mobile powerhouse, and your ads need to reflect that. Optimize your ad formats for mobile screens, prioritize engaging visuals, and craft concise messaging that resonates with on-the-go users.

Social proof and reviews: Leverage the power of social proof by displaying customer testimonials and positive reviews on your mobile platforms. This builds trust and entices users to take the next step.

Location-based targeting: Use the power of GPS to target users based on their real-time location. Offer them deals or promotions relevant to their surroundings, making your brand instantly relevant and accessible.

Chatbots and instant messaging: Embrace the power of chatbots and instant messaging platforms to provide immediate customer support and answer questions directly on their phones.

The Bottom Line: Mobile is the Future

Ignoring mobile is like living in the pre-internet era. It's a gamble you can't afford to take. By embracing the mobile revolution, you're not just reaching customers on their preferred device; you're entering their micro-moments, becoming a part of their lives, and offering them solutions that fit seamlessly into their on-the-go world.

So, ditch the desert-store mentality and light up your mobile presence. Make your website a mobile haven, craft Facebook ads that speak to the fast-paced mobile mind and utilize the power of location and instant communication to bridge the gap between your brand and your customers.

The future is mobile, and the businesses that adapt will be the ones who thrive. Remember, your phone-wielding customers are out there, waiting to be engaged, informed, and delighted. Are you ready to meet them where they are?

Isaac Lewin is the Chief Marketing Officer for iConic System. He has a wealth of experience in in Sales, Marketing, Automation, and Web Development. He's also the proud owner of a cat named, "Theo."

Isaac Lewin

Isaac Lewin is the Chief Marketing Officer for iConic System. He has a wealth of experience in in Sales, Marketing, Automation, and Web Development. He's also the proud owner of a cat named, "Theo."

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